Monday, August 23, 2010

The Incredible Power of Prayers

My family is not a very ritualistic one and we rarely visit places of worship or lay stress on praying. This might be onethe-power-of-fasting-and-prayers reason why I’ve always been intrigued by people who have immense faith in the power of prayers to the Supreme Being, leaving their lives in the hands of God. I’ve never been able to do this. Don’t get me wrong. I want to believe that there is a Greater Force out there, that my life here on Earth is a journey towards becoming one with that Force and no I’m no Jedi.

Power of Prayers: Healing Power

I admire people who resort to the power of prayers when their loved one is ill and feel the worries just washing away and serenity seeping in. There are innumerable anecdotes on the healing power of prayer and fasting. Most of these, I have discarded as scams and fraud or the power of suggestion on the malleable mind.
So, you can understand my surprise when I came across this study that was recently conducted by Professor Candy Gunther Brown of the Religious Studies Department of Indiana University. The research proves that the sick could be healed through prayers, especially if the well wisher was standing in close proximity to the ailing person. Professor Brown reported cases of sight being restored to the blind and hearing being restored to the deaf in places as far removed as Mozambique and Brazil.

The Power of Prayers: You Gotta Have Faith

Regardless of how empirical or accurate these studies might be, there is no dearth of people who will swear on the power of prayers. The key to unlocking this power is to be a true believer – to have faith and wipe away all doubt. Peace and serenity can fill you only when you leave your heart and mind totally open to God and his benevolence.
The only problem is that I have never been able to completely free my mind of doubts, fears and worries. What stops me from giving up control? What makes me want to believe and yet makes me question? How can I be a part of that Supreme Force, even if it is for a short while?

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