Monday, October 18, 2010

JUDE Contending FOR The FAITH

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We Were Created For God's Purpose

If you ever want a powerful defense for the Christian Faith Jude is an excellent book to refer to. Defending the Faith is not something new. Jude teaches the importance of not compromising the Word of God! The Word of God is priceless! You cannot manipulate God nor His Word no matter who you are! There are a lot of worldly influences that from the very beginning have tried to twist the Bible and its teachings! Many have been deceived, this is still the case today! Many worldly ways, concepts and methods have been embraced and embedded into the organized church system that are not of God. This is why it is important to know God and know His Word; of Him you can be certain and sure!!!
Jude tells us to “Contend for the Faith!” What does this mean? Contend means to strive against difficulties, to be persistent and assert yourself. Faith means believe without seeing. “FAITH is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By Faith we understand that the universe was formed at GOD'S command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible…” Hebrews 11 The Bible gives us the real facts! It is was not comprised of misconstrued circumstantial evidence. Many today attempt to use the Word to control others, justify their behavior and lifestyles but are really only promoting sin!

God is powerful as a matter of fact He is OMNIPOTENT meaning He is ALL POWER! He is SUPERIOR and SUPREME! Think about it with all the millions of organized church assemblies opened in the name of God, what is going on in this world should not be! It certainly is not because of GOD! It is because there are so many wolves in sheep clothing.They are godless men who change the grace of God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord” Saints are supposed to be believers! Not followers of the world. But, followers of Jesus Christ! Too many want to be leaders that are served, rather than Servants of God! All too often you now find that many in the church instead follow the latest trends and adopt the ways of the world. Take some time and think about it? Who are you really following?

We must TRUST GOD! When you know that there is a lot of false teaching going on what do you do? When you know that you have helped those that no one else would help, and they turn on you, what do you do? When you know that you have been mistreated and maligned and falsely accused what do you do? PRAISE GOD!!! Know that you are in good company because this is what happened to Jesus! When you know that manipulation and deception is present you still must remain faithful to God and His Word! God is more powerful than what any man can EVER do to you! You must draw closer to God and TRUST HIM! Seek Him above all else! God will give you a strong sound mind! He CAN KEEP you from falling! "Do not be conformed to this world. But TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind!" Your true security and significance can only be found in the LORD! "If GOD is for us who can be against us!"
The Word is often used to justify lifestyles and wrong behavior that are not sanctioned by God! Minimizing sin and embracing tolerance. Often justified under the guise of unconditional love! God never intended for Christianity to become a legalistic doctrinal concept of rules and regulations. The House of God is supposed to be the Pillar of TRUTH! It is written! Christ died so we could have an abundant spiritual life! As a matter of fact it was the religious leaders that conspired to discredit JESUS and secretly sought to destroy Him. How ironic they called Him evil. Does this sound familiar? The Bible is the inspired Word of God! “It is a lamp unto our feet and a Light unto our path...”

The gift of Eternal Life is one of the most precious gifts one can ever receive! Along with that gift comes the promise of His Holy Spirit. The Comforter and ultimate internal Teacher! Jude extends to us Mercy, Peace and Love in abundance! When Jesus ascended to heaven He promised that the Holy Spirit would come. Jesus prepared His disciples for His departure. He told themNevertheless I tell you the TRUTH. It is to your advantage that I go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart , I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment; of sin, because they do not believe in Me, of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. I still have many things to say to you, BUT you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of TRUTH, has come, He will guide you into All truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come…” JOHN 16
Jude known as the brother of Jesus Christ tells us that we have a duty to fight for God’s TRUTH! Not in a physical carnal way! Our weapons are not carnal! We must stay adorned with the spiritual armor! "PRAY also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the GOSPEL, for which I am an ambassador in chains. PRAY that I may delcare it fearlessly, as I should" See Ephesians 6 Without doubt we are in the last days and the Word of God is being fulfilled! We need not be afraid but prayerful! It is important to persevere knowing that God is with you! Jude says: But dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times, there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires. These are the men who divide you. Who follow mere natural instincts and DO NOT have the SPIRIT. But you, dear friends build yourself up in your most HOLY FAITH and pray in the HOLY SPIRIT. Keep yourselves up in God’s LOVE as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh...

One only must watch the news, read the newspaper or search online to see that time is near! “Anything goes!” There is not only a Economic Recession but a "SPIRITUAL RECESSION" as well! Many of our churches are allowing carnal worldly teachings… Bible study on many occasions have turned to group think and mind conditioning! Respect for God and His Word all too often laid aside; carnality takes the forefront because somebody says; “I’m human” The time of increased Apostasy is definitely here! Meaning the abandoning of Faith! LORD HELP US! Anyone can be subject to error. This is why we all need His Holy Spirit to convict the heart of sin and point us to righteousness. What is righteousness? It is right living in the eyes of God! Sin is anything that separates us from God! Jude says: Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? This is why Jesus left us His Holy Spirit!
"To GOD be the GLORY!" Having an encounter with God regularly will bring you closer to Him! It will open your "spiritual eyes" This is also why we must contend for the Faith and stand firm! If you have grown slack in your commitment to God; He can speak renewal and strength to your heart! We must humbly and diligently pursue TRUTH! God can bring a plan and a purpose into your life like no other! “To HIM who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great JOY to the only GOD and SAVIOR be GLORY, MAJESTY, POWER and AUTHORITY, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD, before all ages, now and forevermore! AMEN!!!"
RevLady profile image
RevLady 10 months ago
No greater truth told. Today our culture of no absolutes, removing visual implications of faith and so forth, demands that all Christians contend for the faith. Satan's time is winding down and his prowling is increasing deceiving even the elect of God. To be "slack in our commitment to God" is to open ourselves up to the strategies of the evil one. We absolutely must "stay adorned with the spiritual armor!"
A great truth Deborrah, that alerts us the urgency of staying in His Word and contending for the faith.
Vladimir Uhri profile image
Vladimir Uhri 10 months ago
Yes the Word and faith are fundamental for our victory.
Love you, sis.
creativeone59 profile image
creativeone59 10 months ago
Thank you Lady D, for a very rewarding and enlightening hub on Jude. Thank you for sharing such informative info on the word of God. May God continue to blessed you and yours. creativeone59
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 10 months ago
Rev Lady, AMEN & AMEN!! You are so right about no Absolutes! Bless You! Thank you for adding such powerful comments! Yes, WE MUST contend for the FAITH! Time is of the essence... Yes! As you stated: "We must stay adorned with the spiritual armor!" THANK GOD for JESUS and HIS precious HOLY SPIRIT!
Our TRUST must be in GOD! Thank you for sharing, In His Love & Blessings!
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 10 months ago
Vladimir Uhri, Yes they are! Thank you for visiting and sharing! You are always welcome and please do come again! Love to you as well, Blessings!
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 10 months ago
Creativeone, Thank you! Glad to see you back... May God's Peace and Favor continue to rest upon you! Thank you for sharing, Blessings to you and yours as well!
Lady_E profile image
Lady_E 10 months ago
Very thought provoking - I've found out that in these last days, it's so easy to compromise. It takes so much grace to contend for the Faith but the more we read messages like this, the more it gives us a "wake up call".
Best Wishes. :)
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 10 months ago
LadyE, You are so right! But when I think about all that the Lord has allowed in my life I am eternally grateful! Time is near, not that we live in fear or dread. But we must be aware and ask "What if Jesus came back right NOW?" We must contend for the FAITH! Thank you for your comments and as always for visiting. May the Lord's Favor and Peace rest upon you! Again it is always a pleasure. Love & Blessings!
Ken R. Abell profile image
Ken R. Abell 10 months ago
Thank you for this good teaching & challenge for every believer. To contend for the faith. Yes, indeed it is for us to do so with great perseverance, always seeking heavenly wisdom & discernment as we engage the world.
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 10 months ago
Ken R. Abell, You are quite welcome! Yes, we must contend for the FAITH! We are in the world but not of the world! Thank you for adding such wise and helpful comments! Disernment is crucial! "The JOY of the LORD is our STRENGTH!" Blessings!
Leop profile image
Leop 10 months ago
Yes, this is really true on what you are say about faith in your lord. Excellent teaching, well documented also. God bless.
Tamara 10 months ago
Indeed,indeed I love the book of Jude. Thanks for the article!
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 10 months ago
Leop, Thank you! Faith is really important! Your comments are welcomed and thank you for sharing, Blessings!
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 10 months ago
Tamara, Yes it really is a wonderful book! You are quite welcome. Thank you for stopping by, Blessings!
Mickey McNew profile image
Mickey McNew 10 months ago
Great hub and so timely. It should have been titled "2nd Jude". Keep exhorting the Brethern in truth.
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 10 months ago
Mickey McNew, Thank you for your most kind words. There is such a wonderful wealth of knowledge in the Word of God! Thank you for sharing, Peace and Blessings! To God be the GLORY!
no body profile image
no body 10 months ago
hey DeB, quite the little preacher lady, aren't ya? Thoroughly enjoyed your hub. The wolves are everywhere. The problem is so many churches teach watered down, politically correct, one sided, spoonfed, ear tickling doctrine. It attracts everyone because it doesn't convict anyone of their sin. God's children are all equal but everyone that says Lord Lord is not one of God's children. More than ever we need to stand for God's Holy Word, His pure doctrine, His gospel preached. Thank you for your study.
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 10 months ago
Nobody, I like the idea that Jesus preached outside of the walls most of the time…
What you say is profoundly true! This is why we have chaos! You are so right about that “Lord Lord!” The wolves are everywhere. Therefore I TRUST GOD! I believe all His promises! If I seek Him above all else I know He will take care of me! Man can do no more than the Lord allows! I also have PEACE because God knows I have no hidden agenda! This is why “I contend for the FAITH!” I have learned that if I stay close to the Shepherd the wolves can’t destroy me but stay lurking in the dark. I realize they will try and but I know that the WORD of God is quick and powerful and sharper than a two edged sword!
Thank you my brother for your wise comments! It is always a pleasure much Love & Blessings!
Justcallmeleroy profile image
Justcallmeleroy 9 months ago
DeBorrah, I love to see your hubs that I have missed you are Blessed by our Lord the Truth is so Wonderful. Faith is one thing I want all to know. That if you Believe and have not seen you are already a Blessed child of GOD. So take this to Heart that the Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ are True and will never fail. So Children of the Most High God look up for your Redemption draweth nigh. I say fear not what is to come but Fear the One who has the Power do Destroy both Body and Soul. So we should keep the Faith in our Redeemer of our Souls. For we are his Righteousness under his Blood. Praise the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 9 months ago
Justcallmeleroy, Thank you! How wonderful of you to stop by and leave such powerful words of wisdom and encouragement! As you stated: "That if you Believe and have not seen you are already a Blessed child of GOD. So take this to Heart that the Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ are True and will never fail. So Children of the Most High God look up for your Redemption draweth nigh. I say fear not what is to come but Fear the One who has the Power do Destroy both Body and Soul. So we should keep the Faith in our Redeemer of our Souls. For we are his Righteousness under his Blood. Praise the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen"
"FAITH is the substance of things HOPED for the evidence of things not seen..." The battle is the LORD'S!!! GOD truly is GOOD! I LOVE HIM and I TRUST HIM! Thank you for sharing! Please do come again, Blessings!
eirenejoy1 profile image
eirenejoy1 3 weeks ago
WHAT A WORD............ GOD BLESS U.
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image
DeBorrah K. Ogans 3 weeks ago
Eirenejoy, God Bless You! Thank you for stopping by to share, In HIS Love, Peace & Blessings!

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